This week I realized there's nothing to get upset about and have faith everything will work out.
So my doctor visit turned out well. There were all three docs there to see me. Wow huh? So each one had their report and advice. What was interesting was about my brain tumor. I am not to worry about it as they knew all about those kind and the Missouri docs saying an MRI every year was a money maker for them. They all told me to get my own car as I am to get out there and socialize. Boy they sure emphasized that. My shrink gave me lots of advice and it was interesting. A boy with a adopted Dad with Asbergers disease can pick up his outlook and attitude and more. I gained some weight and I am right where I should be now. Lots of advice and lots for me to do.
My sons vehicle studdered like a gas issue or something stuck but driveable. He now has to get that fixed. Wed the habitat was to pickup what was left in garage and mobilhome. They arrived late with a half a truck available or half full already and they couldn't take most everything cause one man had a muscle strain and couldn't lift. Oh man huh? I talked with the park owner and we worked it out. He is a great man. Ennaway I exhaled and everything worked out.
A car.....Yes I found my fun car. Something I WANT to get in and GO!! I love it more than my 1962 vw bug I had years ago. Yep you guessed...........
a 2008 Smart car for two!! The ride is nice and I love it!!!
This picture I took off the internet.
Tomorrow two people are coming to help me put my rubbermaid shed together!
It's my x-dil and her sister and my granddaughter. It should be fun. My new car
might fit in it LOL!!!
It's 54.5 inches by 73.5 inches. My shed is 7x7 foot.
I am a volunteer for Live Jazz nights at the arts center. I will be ushering.
How cool man is that? I will get to hear live music grouups for two months!
I am having fun and what I thought would be emotional turned out fine.
I am being kinder to myself and my calendar is filling up with things to do and places to go to!
Stay on the sunnyside and life will shine back on you.